Tuesday 1 April 2014

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Cut His Salary to $1

In 2013, Zuck only earned a buck.

Going by salary at least, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg earned just $1 for the year,
according to a regulatory filing released on Monday.
In Silicon Valley, though, earning a token salary is a sure sign that you've made it.
Other $1-per-year men have included Apple's Steve Jobs and the Google guys — Sergey Brin and Larry Page.
Like those tech luminaries, Zuckerberg owns a substantial stake in his company, making a salary irrelevant.
Nevertheless, Zuckerberg has collected a decent salary before — in 2012, he made $503,205.


Overall, Zuckerberg made $653,165 last year versus $1.99 million in 2012.
The money went largely to fund private planes and his security program, according to the filing.


The 29 year-old Zuckerberg's wealth is estimated at $27 billion.
He also owns 61.6% of voting power in the company,
giving him carte blanche to forge ahead with deals like the $19 billion pending WhatsApp acquisition
and last week's $2 billion proposed takeover of Oculus.
Meanwhile, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg made $16.2 million last year compared to $26.2 million in 2012.
Facebook CFO David Ebersman earned $10.5 million, VP David Fischer made $8 million and CTO Mike Schroepfer earned $12.6 million.

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